The show at Lorain County Speedway was once again hampered by the weather. The members that braved the forecast were rewarded by track time on a great track as we were able to get out for a good hot lap session and got in our heat race which was a good display of VARC cars and our drivers..Just after we pulled in as the Parade of Stars Late models were lining up on the track the rains came and ruined the rest of the program. The bad forecast kept a lot of people away and that was really a shame as this is truly a great racing facility. We want to thank the Parade of Stars Late Model group for inviting us to this event. We had 10 VARC cars that made the effort and that is rewarding considering the weather outlook.
Now looking forward to the next event , which will be a three event weekend,the long range weather forecast looks much better. The first event will be at Moler Speedway on Friday night June 15th Gate open at 5 pm with racing starting at 7 pm.
Saturday we will be at the great Atomic Speedway. the Gate open at 3 pm hot laps at 6:45 pm . This is their fan appreciation night so it should be a good crowd. I am Hoping for a good turn out of VARC cars so we can put on our "Traveling Museum of Vintage Cars"
I need to know who is planning on make these shows so I can send a list of names to the tracks. This will be a short week for us so send in the info asap. Hoping for a good turn out. contact me please.
On Saturday morning we are scheduled to be at the "Return of Thunder" car show in Portsmouth Ohio . I will get the details of this event out as soon as I get confirmation on the location Watch for an email web site or facebook page note. Thanks Jim McDermott